An Update on the GLSO

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June was certainly a busy month for the GLSO. I’m proud to say that I think that this year’s Pride Festival was the best yet! As we wound things down in July, we were pleased to see that this year’s festival made a profit, which will go towards supporting the mission of the GLSO. Next year’s festival planning begins on August 9th at the GLSO Pride Center, and I hope to see a table full of excited volunteers who want to make next year’s festival even better!
This is a prosperous time for the GLSO. Our community partners and advertisers are showing their financial support as they always do, and it is allowing us to expand our services to help more people in our community. The discussions groups we host are more well-attended than ever! Whether you’re coming to our general discussion, senior’s group, or the youth GSA group, we’re seeing more of you turn out than ever before.
We’re happy to announce that through the generosity of the Cliff Todd Endowment and JustFundKY, we have received another grant to continue our Youth Empowerment Project. This project is training the future leaders of the GLBTQQIA community, and we’re very excited about it. The grant also provides money for expanding some of our other services, including the new TransKentucky website, which is already up and will be growing soon.
I’m sure that the coming months will be exciting ones. Keep your eyes peeled for information on a film festival being co-organized by the GLSO and Sqecial Media. And, as always, if you want to volunteer or have great ideas for something more that the GLSO could be doing to help our community, come to one of our monthly board meetings and pitch in!