Fear Vs. Faith

Most have probably heard the saying fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. If we stop and think a minute about the things we fear, we can see how that statement is true. I think one of the reasons many don’t follow God is because they fear what He may ask them to do (or stop doing). Granted there will be things in our life God wants to weed out, but not because of rules, laws, or demands, but because He knows it is not in our best interest. What I have found is that either God will gently and usually unbeknownst to me, make the subtle changes in me Himself or give me that sweet nudge in my heart to change something on my own.
Let us not forget too that there is an evil one whose plan it is to rob, steal, kill and destroy our spirit. Satan fell from God’s Grace when he set himself higher than God and referred to himself as a deity. Satan has God-like powers and is very cunning. His goal is to fool God’s people by false teachings, trappings of worldly riches and power, and even intimidation by fear of anything and everything that would keep a person from believing and accepting the love of Christ.
So how is faith opposite of fear? Faith is having confidence in God. I personally don’t believe there are many who can honestly say (with deep examination) they do not believe in God at all. Look around you at the beauty on the earth. From the Smokey Mountains to the plains of Nebraska to the shores of California and we see the artwork of our God. In Hebrews chapter 11 there is testimony after testimony of the heroes of faith. All those people from the Old Testament that trusted God committed themselves to Him because they believed He loved them and wanted His best for them. There were many who believed promises God made to them that they actually never saw but we know looking back they came to pass.
As a Christian I have faith that I am saved by His Grace. I am saved from an eternity in hell separated from God. I am saved from myself with all its destructive ways, thoughts, and habits. Because I have confidence in God I can commit myself to Him completely. I can say, “Here’s my life Lord take it and use it in any way you see fit.” Then the cool thing is He does just that. He took me exactly in the condition I was in, healed my pains and wounds, comforted me through the process of healing, and set me free to live my life for Him. I am now free from the self-condemnation, the loathing I had for myself, and the many different ways I lived in fear. I know with all assurance that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His image and in Him there is no condemnation.

There was a time when I thought Jesus loved everyone but me, and that was ok because I understood that I was unlovable. I know that sounds so twisted but it’s how I felt. I couldn’t trust Him because of all the things I thought He had done to me: Took my mother when I was only 9 years old, allowed me to be sexually abused for 3 years at the hands of my care givers, and separated me from my siblings. How could I trust Him after all that? Then one day He showed me how He wept over me as I was being abused, how it wasn’t Him taking my mother from me, but that we are all part of a fallen world. He showed me how He works through His people to intercede on behalf of all victims. The fact is I was delivered from all that by God reaching down through His people and moving me into a foster home where I could be safe and learn about Him.
Faith, yes, I have faith in God because He has shown me many times over that I can. I’ve allowed Him to reveal Himself to me. I trust He has my best interest at heart and as the prophet Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 29:11 about God’s love toward me; For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future, not to harm you. (My paraphrase)


You can know this truth for yourself today. Start by sincerely asking God to reveal Himself to you. Begin looking every day for ways that He is doing just that. Find a church that preaches the Word of God and get connected with other believers. He is real and He loves you with an everlasting love.