TWISTING the month away!!!

As Reign 31 continues, we also continue working to grow the organization’s membership.   October was no exception, We spent the month doing what we do best socializing.   While we are a fundraising organization, we are also a SOCIAL organization.  We kicked off the month by attending Just Fund Kentucky’s  reading of the play “8” at the The Kentucky Theater.  Members of both Male and Female lines as well as the Monarchs, help Just Fund by selling tickets before the reading and during the cast party at the Black Box.  Our Dowager Empress, Empress 30 Shotz, and PR Christina Puse and I also provided a little entertainment during this party as well.  It was a great night of meeting new faces and seeing some familiar ones as well. In addition to the numerous get togethers at  Crossings and Pulse just to relax and plan the next month and work out details for upcoming events, we hosted the ROCK THE VOTE show.  A show to remind everyone how important it is to get out and VOTE in this election.  We all donned our patriotic drag and pulled out the
inspirational songs and had a fun night, hopefully inspiring those attending to get out and participate in what is our most important CIVIC DUTY!!!! We went to Morehead State University and provided some entertainment for the “LIFE’S A DRAG” fundraiser put on by the MSU ALLYance group.  Those kids sure know how to make you feel like a rock star!!!!   This event gave us another chance to grow our organization by speaking with the students about who and what we are, while helping them raise money at the same time.  This event was also a contest for the students who participated as either individual drag queens/kings,  groups and organizations on campus.  The show was a huge success, and all the money they raise at it, they donated to AVOL!!!!   We finished off the month with our always popular DIVA OF DARKNESS pageant held at Pulse Nightlife.  And with it being on Halloween night, and Benita Bloom stepping down, you know it was a night not to be missed.  Especially with yours truly as Empress, you know I love me a good ole dark night of TWISTED drag!!!! So as you can tell we are always busy working tirelessly for our community doing what we love. This  month brings so much more, as we continue staying TWISTED. Don’t forget:  Anyone interested in the ICK can contact any member of our Board of Directors or either Monarch Emperor 31 BigD Lyons or myself.Anyone wishing to vote in the election of new Monarchs in June 2013 at Coronation 32 needs to become a member by November 30, 2012.  Additionally, is also the renewal period for current members. Our membership fee is $10, as is the renewal.  You can become a member or pay the renewal at any event by speaking with either Monarch or a member of our Board of Directors.  Membership applications are available at the door at all events.  Valid ID is required for new members.  So come join the ICK and help us grow!!