3 Kentucky LGBT Scholarships Available! Apply before Sept. 15!

Kentucky Fairness Alliance (KFA) Foundation believes that education is the key to strong social progress.  Discrimination has no place in the community of higher education. With that being said, an ever-increasing component of the collegiate experience is students’ exposure to diversity.

Three scholarships valued at $1500 each will be awarded this fall at the annual statewide fairness gala, Out & About.  They will be awarded to Kentucky students based on social and financial need, scholastic aptitude and leadership potential as well as community involvement.

Please provide all of the following in an MS Word or PDF file:
1. Name, Home Address, Phone, Email, Grade Point Average, Class Rank, and Major(s).
2. An autobiographical statement that describes you and your academic and future goals. The statement should describe your educational and community experiences and your plans for future education or work. (up to 500 words)
3. A description of any services to, contributions to, or activities in the gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender community in Kentucky. (up to 250 words)
4. An outline of your student involvement, leadership experiences, volunteer efforts and/or work experience. Please provide reference and contact information for each experience. (up to 500 words)
5. A statement describing your financial need. (up to 250 words)
6. Three letters of recommendation to support your application. They should vary in scope (student colleague, faculty member, administrator, community member, etc.).

Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply.

The application deadline is September 15, 2012.

More information is available online.
