Proud to be a Christian & Gay

Gay Pride Month is rapidly becoming one of my favorite times of year.  It’s a time I enjoy setting aside to recognize it isn’t shameful to be gay.  I look forward to the Lexington Pride Festival each year where I meet some fantastic people and going to other festivals close by. One I hope to visit is the Cincinnati Festival. After I went to Louisville Pride last year I realized what a wonderful festival we have in Lexington.  Much kudos are due to our Lexington Pride Committee as these are the people that spend many hours, days and months to make this event so special.  So what exactly am I proud of?

For one, I’m proud of the fact that I can hold my head up as a lesbian because I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of Christ.  The Bible has a lot to say about who we are.  It says that as a born again believer and follower of Jesus Christ I am a new creation, old things have passed away, behold new things have come.  I’m a child of the King with inherited rights.  I could go on but the point is I have nothing to hang my head about.  I know God loves me, accepts me, and walks with me every day.

I’m also proud of the fact that I can worship my God in spite of the jabs, ridicule, and condemnation I receive from some in the body of Christ.  Their opinions do not trump my experience. It brings me much joy to see so many Christ centered booths at the festival.  Two years ago Open Arms of God Ministry was one of the first area churches to have a presence at the festival.  Last year there was several and hopefully even more this year.  I can hold my head up and declare I am a Christian who happens to be a lesbian.

Each year we as a community find ourselves in a more acceptable environment.  Each year we get a step closer to equal rights, even though they may be small steps, it is still a step.  We have a long way to go, but by working together as a community, standing tall as good citizens, I do believe we will one day see equal treatments in marriage, jobs, church membership, and general acceptance as a part of the community.

The mission of Open Arms of God Ministry is to get the word out there that Jesus loves you and me.  In spite of what you have been told in the past, God is reaching out to you, desiring a personal and intimate relationship with you.  All we have to do is turn toward Him and say yes Lord.

One of my goals in the next year is to unite the ministers in Lexington who believe as we do.  I firmly believe we are all the body of Christ and we should be working together to further the Kingdom.  The fact that we may be meeting in separate locations doesn’t mean we can’t work together.  I hope to see us collectively hosting Christian concerts (Jennifer Knapp being one of the first I’d love to see come to Lexington), seminars, workshops, retreats, and being a beacon of light in the city for all to see the glory of our God.  How can you deny the fact God loves us and works through us when you see first-hand His glory shining in how we live?

If you sense some excitement and enthusiasm, you are right.  With this being my last year as a Middle School teacher, I’m retiring; I plan on devoting all my attention to the growth of the Kingdom of God.  The harvest is many but the workers are few, pray for the harvest.  If you have a similar dream, come join us.

We need you, God needs you, and the citizens of Lexington need you.

I pray God’s richest blessings on you. Enjoy the month.

Pastor Karen Taylor